Monday, June 30, 2008

All right, this post is a little late. About three weeks ago Megan and I had our third doctor visit. We went into the appointment wanting to find out the sex of the baby. Dr. Forrest took out his little doppler machine first to try and get an audible heartbeat, but we could not hear it on the doppler yet. Since we could not hear it on the doppler, we had to visually check for the heartbeat so he performed a sonogram. The heartbeat was strong and beating away. Dr. Forrest tried to get us a profile shot of the baby so that we could try to determine the sex of the baby, but just as he was getting it into focus the baby turned over and showed us its butt. It was really neat to see our baby move for the first time. I was so excited I called my mom immediately after the appointment. Since the appointment, we have pretty much told everybody. Megan's friends were so excited. Gretchen had the best reaction. I quote her as saying, "You're gonna have a Jesus baby!!! You should name it Jesus!!!, in reference to the due date being December 24th.

On Saturday, Megan and I went over to Mom and Dad's for dinner because Grandpa B and Melissa were in town for the night. The subject of conversation quickly went to the baby. Melissa seemed a little grossed out by the whole childbirth thing and Greg made his suggestion of "Patrick Henry" for the baby's name. Megan and I got a good laugh out of that one. I was like, "Why don't we just call it George Washington then." Greg seems to like the name Patrick.

Megan and I took a trip up to see Ms. Julie and the Blisses yesterday and Megan did not feel very good the entire trip. On the way up she was having craving after craving. First she wanted fried chicken, and then Cracker Barrel, and then a strawberry shake, etc., etc. On the way back her tummy was not feeling good. She was feeling bloated and nauseous and she said that that was the most sick she has felt so far. She fell asleep on the car ride back, but didn't feel much better afterwards. I feel bad for her that she feels this way all the time. I 'm having my "sympathy pains" as they call them, but realize it is nothing like she is going through.

Our next appointment is on the 18th of July. Hopefully we will know the baby's sex then and will be able to narrow our list of baby names. Were not going to choose a name though until the turtle pops out. We want to make sure the name matches the face. I'll make sure to make a timely update after our next appointment. Everything is going great and we love hearing from everyone. Make sure to leave comments or baby name suggestions. Just click on the comments tab under each post. Love You ALL!!! Megan and Dan XOXOXOXOXOXO

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