Sunday, November 2, 2008

8months Pregnant

Dan will be taking more preggo pics and posting them!

So I've hit the 8 month mark~ AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I can't believe it's already here. I'm currently 32weeks and 4 days. That means I could in 5-6 weeks things could safely start happening. Yeah 6 weeks doesn't sound that close but when you think about a baby popping out and changing your life forever, it's a lot closer and a bit scary!
Dan and I are so excited about Mrytle but yet the idea of parenthood and being completely responsible for another human being is a bit scary and intimidating!!

I'm definitely feeling more pregnant! Not whaleishly pregnant though. I don't have a waddle and I can wear my pre-pregnant jeans (zipping the zipper, but no buttons buttoned) with a bella band. I love not having to buy a ton of maternity clothes because I wear hospital scrubs @ work and sweats and t-shirts into work!
And have you seen the mass amount of Maternity wear on Ebay~it could take you all day to go through it all!
Mrytle is quite the active one. I can see my stomach moving in waves now when she is moving around and changing positions inside rather than just feeling weirdness going on inside.
She is usually head down and way down, she likes to keep her head right next to/on top of my bladder.

Dan and I are working on finishing up our registries this week. It's hard to know what you are going to need or what you are going to like to use! Who knew that there were like 10 different types of baby gates or a multitude of baby bouncers to choose from!
I just have to hurt the people @ Target first because there are some major issues with my account and registry! It's driving me crazy!!!!

Stay tuned for some more pics!!!

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