Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sonogram Update

OK so we finally have some updates, after a few weeks of not much "exciting" happening except baby growing, a small baby bump slowly appearing, a few major leg cramps, and weird lower body aches.
I had a level 2 sonogram today which is now a standard, normal procedure to measure and check different things regarding the baby.
The sonographer took a bunch of pictures and measurements. They check out the head circumfance, head to rump measurement, the heart and the chambers, heart rate, kidneys, blow flow in the kidneys, femur length, spinal cord length and development, facial features checked for cleft lip/palate, umbilical cord placement, and placement of the placenta.
Baby Harrison is looking GREAT! Quite shy though, the sonographer had to work at finding it and getting the pictures needed. The baby is in the 50th percentile for growth and currently weighs 14oz (almost 1 pound). So what that means: if the baby continues at the current rate it shouldn't be too big or too small~ somewhere in the 7lb range by birth. These are all early calculations, but it is pretty amazing the information provided by technology these days.

DRUMROLL please. . . . . . (insert sound here). . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .

It's a GIRL


Anonymous said...

CONGRATS to you and Dan!!! I am so happy for you and can't wait to buy cute little dresses!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Thank's for making me a proud uncle. I'm looking forward to having a niece!!!!

Anonymous said...

I knew it! I am as happy for Sal as I am for you two. She finally got her girl to buy and make sweet things for but doesn't have to deal with the sass! The moral of this story: God rewards those who wait. Congratulations, you two. There are no dull moments from here on out!