Thursday, September 4, 2008

Baby Bump Pictures

Megan recently got back from her vacation in Germany and Greece with her family and over the week and a half that she was gone, her little baby bump showed itself. We measured it and it is 34.5" in diameter. Were going to measure it weekly to see how fast our baby girl is growing. Megan and I have also felt Myrtle the turtle kick and punch. She likes to move around the most at night as we are getting into bed and watching TV. That seems to be the only time she likes to move around. Its amazing to be able to feel our daughter move; quite an experience. Here is a recent pic of the bump.

1 comment:

Nancy B said...

Hey Dan! Thanks for sending me your blog! It's good to know what's happening in your neck of the woods, so to speak. I can't believe you all have been married a year already. Time flies, n'est-ce pas? If you haven't already, check out the cakewrecks blog on my site. There are some hilarious baby shower cakes that you might enjoy, one of my favorite being, "It's a gril!" Hee hee.
Love you guys, Aunt Nan