So Mrytle and I (and Dan) have made it to the "full term" mark of 37weeks gestation. Actually I didn't really have any doubts that I would make it this far, I'm more concerned that I'm going to go a week past my due date as most 1st timers do!
I can't believe that we are so close to being done. Pregnancy really does fly right on by, at least it did for me who didn't have any issues. Now that I really feel pregnant and feel like I'm a small whale, I'm sure the time will slow down just a bit. But that is totally ok cause I have quite a few more things to get together before she makes her appearance.
Once Dan and I get the "nursery" all put together, we will post pictures! We have a few things to organize in there and then it should be ready.
Besides the little things that need to be done or bought, I think Dan and I are as ready as we are going to be. I'm more ready for the labor and delivery part than I am of the bringing her home and having to take care of her myself!
I've been preparing the body for the upcoming marathon of birth. I've been speed walking (@ least it's speed walking for a pregnant lady!), working hard @ work running around, and taking a herb supplement to "ripen" the cervix (tmi for some of you I know :-) I'm not just going to sit around and wait for it, the body needs some encouragement (at least with it being it's first time and all!)
As a labor and delivery RN I truely believe in weather and moon patterns playing a role in sending women into labor so come next week when the "possible" snow flakes fall we will see what happens!
Dan will be posting a poll for potential dates and weights! I've given you some info to help out with possible dates and we have some pics of the bump that may help with the weight guesses!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
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