Friday, May 16, 2008

Baby Checkup #2

Today was our second doctor visit to checkup on the baby. Megan did her blood tests and we spoke with Dr. Forrest about some of the questions we had. He had a lot of positive things to say and eased our minds about some of our concerns. After speaking with us about nutrition and the first trimester, we did another sonogram. This sonogram showed that our baby has grown quite a bit in the last couple weeks. It has nearly tripled in size. You can easily see the head and the beginning of the arms and legs. Tonight we are working on some announcement cards to give to the new grandmothers. Megan got some decorative ribbon and scrapbook paper and we are making the cards together. Here is the latest picture of our baby and a picture of Megan's belly...not quite noticeable yet.

Its getting BIGGER!!! BEWARE the sleeping Giant!!!

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