Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Baby Research

I spent some time today doing some research into fetal development and the benefits of using a birthing center/midwife vs. the Hospital. I'm finding myself doing as much reading as I can when I can. Megan and I went to the library and checked out some books pertaining to what we could expect on a week to week basis as well as dealing with our changes in mood. I can't seem to put the books down.

I've been looking at a fetal development website that explains all the changes occurring on a weekly basis. Its really neat to see everything that happens. It also makes me a little anxious. I've included a link to the website in the links section of this blog. I feel like a sponge just soaking up all the knowledge I can.

Megan recently watched a documentary called, "The Business of Being Born", created by Riki Lake that was really interesting. It explained how hospitals are medicating women to induce labor for unneeded reasons. Either the hospital is trying to move patients though the hospital or doctor's are trying to make their patient's labor period more convenient for themselves. The documentary explained how most doctors rarely ever see a natural childbirth because they induce the labor and perform C-sections so often and for no good reason. The documentary also stressed the positive reasons for having your child at a birthing center or even at home with a midwife, where the patient has control over their labor and delivery and has the opportunity to have a natural childbirth. I think for the reasons given in the documentary, Megan and I will consider having our baby at a birthing center or with the help of a midwife. I've included links to the birthing center in Old Town Alexandria as well as to a preview for the documentary we watched.

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