Saturday, May 31, 2008

Email From Papi Foster

Dan / Megan,

Thanks for giving us the hook-up on the baby blog site.
Perhaps that would be a good place to start posting potential names and
names to avoid.

I have a few names to place on the site, once I am able to enter it:
- Rasputin Harrison
- Henry Horatio Harrsion
- Blindmedlinchettlin Harrison
- Homer Johnson Harrison
- Hammerin' Hank Harrison
- Megan K. Harrison, Jr.
- Mother Teresa Harrison
- Chasity Inperpetuity Harrison
- Harrison H, Harrison
- Harry B. Harrison
- Ford Harrison
- Prince Harrison
- Jesus Pedro Pablo Harrison
- Osama Obama Mohamed Harrison
- My personal favorite - one-name and easy for a first grader to
spell - Slick

All corney jokes and silly names aside - children are a divine blessing
and being a parent is the most important job in the world. My prayers
are with you, the grandparents, the uncles, and the aunts. May we all
figure out what to do and how to do it without ruining the kid. :)

1 comment:

Dan Harrison said...

Megan and I really like Osama Obama Mohammed Harrison.