Thursday, June 5, 2008

Nothing Much To Report

There hasn't been a whole lot to report on in the last few weeks. Our next appointment is on the 13th of June, so theres no more pictures of the baby until then. Next time we get a sonogram though, it should look more like a baby, rather than the "spaceship" Megan thinks it looks like or the "black bean" that I think it looks like. Until we have an idea of what the sex is going to be, Megan and I are calling it our "turtle". Don't ask me why. I'm not really sure why.

Megan and I have told the grandparents to be that we are expecting a baby. My Mom was excited and couldn't stop smiling. Although Megan and I weren't able to tell her Mom and Dad in person, I'm sure she is excited too. She sounded really excited to me. For all of you that were running a pool at the wedding, whoever bet on 7 months wins the pot.

Although she would not agree with me, its funny watching Megan go through pregnancy. So far her cravings have included Chinese food, bar-b-q, juice, corn, and other things I have forgotten. Not too many weird things. Her taste buds definitely have not changed. She still wont eat salad or raw vegetables. Megan now has to take a midday nap on her days off and she goes straight to bed when she gets home from work. She used to do all her daily things she does before even thinking of going to bed. Lately we've been joking about funny baby names, looking at strollers and diaper bags, and reading all the baby books we can.

Make sure to vote on what sex the baby is going to be. The voting thing is on the right side of this page. Also keep a look out for new pictures. I am trying to take pictures more often to post on the site. Also, make sure to check out the links we post. I'll be updating those soon too. If you want to make comments on the pictures, theres a link below each picture to do so. We love you all and hope you are as excited as we are.

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