Friday, May 2, 2008

We're Pregnant!!!!

Today, Megan and I found out that we are expecting our first baby. We wanted to confirm our reason to be excited by going to see Megan's OB/GYN, Dr. Forrest. We made an appointment this morning and went in to see him. He performed a sonogram which confirmed it. I saw our baby's heartbeat, which Dr. Forrest assured us, was a good strong heartbeat. As of today our baby measures a third of a centimeter. Dr. Forrest gave us some samples of prenatal vitamins and a prescription for Megan's nausea. We made an appointment to have prenatal testing done in two weeks. Dr. Forrest said that our baby is approximately 7 weeks into its development and should be due on December 24, 2008. Megan and I are really excited, a little scared, but very excited. Here is a picture of the sonogram that was taken. The little dot at the top of the black circle is our baby. The black sac is the amniotic sac and the white fuzzy area around the black circle is Megan's uterus.

Megan's little spaceship...aka the embryo. :)

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